Quote of the month!
“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Dear Supporter,
We hope you had a great month! Although many places in the world are still in some form of lockdown, we’re grateful for the positive changes we’ve been able to make for Kiya.
Thanks to the kind donation of one of our sponsors, we were able to employ a psychologist! His name is Henry and he began working with us on the 1st of February.
His employment with Kiya means the children and families we work with have access to emotional and psychological support. They’ll be given a much needed service since many of the families are struggling with the stress of juggling full-time care of their children during lockdown. The first sessions with some of our Mums have now taken place and proved a great success.
We’re also planning to re-open the MAMA COCHA centre soon…so watch the space!
We’re so grateful to everyone for holding our hands through these difficult times and are excited for this next chapter.
TOGETHER – we CAN get our families through this!
Prior to the pandemic, our team would find Maximina in the cemetery, waiting for the charity of people who were visiting their dead loved ones.
Maximina lives alone in extreme poverty. Her children live far from her and struggle with financial difficulties of their own, so although they are aware of her health problems, they are unable to support her in the way she needs.
Recently she has been experiencing very hard times. On average she receives just 100 soles/£20 a month to survive on.
She is SO grateful for the help she has been receiving from us! The Lifeboxes have literally been life changing for her and provide her with the food and care that she needs.
If you’re able to donate, please consider giving a little towards our Lifebox Appeal!
We’re going to keep going with these for as long as they’re needed.
Just 75p a week sponsorship could provide rice for a whole month for people like Maximina!
Hands up if you’ve signed up for Amazon Smile!
It’s so easy and is the most cost-effective way to give back! 😄
If you have the Amazon app, it’s a super simple process to set up with AmazonSmile.
Here’s what you do:
Go into your app and in the top left-hand corner, find the dropdown menu and select “See All Programmes”. Scroll down and click onto “Amazon Smile” and it’s an easy set up from there! From then on, when you shop, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the order price to Kiya Survivors at NO extra cost to you!
2020 was a harsh year globally, providing few opportunities for small charities to action their fund raising targets and continue helping those in the most vulnerable of situations, at the most vulnerable of times
Kiya Survivors was sadly no exception.
We have a strong support base of which we are grateful and proud, and were financially stable, however, COVID-19 took the world by surprise and we couldn’t have foreseen the tragedy and mayhem it would cause.
While we lost sponsorship from many large donors, the families we support lost their income and livelihood. They were left literally starving, suffering mentally and physically from the harsh lock down environment imposed in the shanty’s they live in. With little water, the hot days became unbearable and bad hygiene has led to all manor of complications.
We were fortunate enough to raise sufficient funds to keep the families most in need supported throughout 2020 and into 2021. However, come December of this year, our sponsorship that covers the wages of our incredible staff who are responsible for these life saving deliveries and the in-home therapy we deliver to 22 children through our Mama Cocha project in the north of Peru, will end.
We need to find alternative means of help, NOW, not only to ensure we can continue to deliver life boxes to families who have no means of income for as long as is needed, but also to ensure our service users get the ongoing support they currently receive.
So, we have created THE 50 CLUB!
If we can secure 50 sponsors donating £50 a month, we have secured our running costs for the ongoing future of our programmes and support in Peru.
What does it mean to be a member of the 50 Club?
It means you are part of a unique group of businesses and individuals ensuring Kiya Survivors vital work in Peru survives and thrives through COVID-19 and beyond!
Every 3 months we will keep you informed of the projects successes; a break down of the funds the 50 Club has donated; a personalised message from Peru from our team on the ground so you can SEE what is happening for yourself and, an invite to a 50 Club, members only annual event to receive personal updates, celebrate the excellent work we have been able to accomplish thanks to your help AND meet and mingle with other like-minded folks.
It couldn’t be easier to sign up!
To start donating £12.50 a week / £50 a month and become a 50 Club member, just follow the link below and set up your monthly/quarterly or annual payment.
We know times are tough, and we appreciate this campaign will not be for everyone, but if you feel you or your business have the capacity to join us, please sign up and help us secure the future.
That’s it from us this month! Thanks for all of your support and we’re excited to see how much we’ve already accomplished this year!
Thanks for all your support,
– Suzy and the Kiya Team x