Seeing a child and their family turn the corner and become a family after months of therapy and support to help them learn to love their children, to see them actually accepting and loving them. It’s a special thing.
Suzy Butler, Founder of Kiya Survivors


There are some things that no child should endure. Poverty is not an excuse for abuse but it is a reason for misunderstanding and frustration that can lead to it. Our aim is to protect children living in high risk situations and provide them with a safe home environment whilst our teams support them and their families, helping them find the pride in their own selves and practical solutions to difficult circumstances, which in turn, often results in their ability to turn situations around and take their children back in to the family home providing them with a new found nurturing and supportive place to grow.

For years Kiya Survivors had been looking for a solution to the dilemma of where to safely house children with learning difficulties or disabilities who had been neglected, abandoned or abused.

In early 2007 the mother of a family of six children at the forefront of Kiya’s concerns died suddenly and unexpectedly. The children had been living in conditions of extreme poverty, abuse and neglect. After the death of their mother, their father agreed that he was unable to look after them due to his problem with alcohol abuse and the high level of needs of his children; three of the six children had some form of learning difficulty.

And so the Rainbow House was born!

The home successfully supported over 20 young people and their families over the 13 years that Kiya ran the project and until they successfully re integrated the last of The Rainbow House children with a family member, in May 2020.

Rainbow house kids with house mum image
Kids and staff at the Rainbow House image


Kiya continues to sponsor and support the original siblings and reason for opening of The Rainbow House back in 2007, with their ongoing education, accommodation, wellbeing and nutrition.

They have no other family able to support or live with but are now all living together in a sponsored flat in Cuzco where they are able to reside as a family with the eldest brother, now 27, caring for his younger brothers and sisters.

Our Project Manager, who has known the children for 13 years, visits them quarterly, manages the housing/educational expenses and supports the family on a weekly basis to ensure they feel loved and cared for by their Kiya family.


A young life can be positively impacted by even the smallest of gestures. Do something wonderful today and change a life for the better.