You Search. You Save. They Donate.
Save money with Savoo’s voucher codes and deals. They’ll donate to Kiya Survivors when you search (1p for every internet search) & shop (up to 50% of their commission on every voucher you use). You can raise money for a great cause while saving money on great deals!
Follow these simple steps to save yourself money while raising money for Kiya Survivors:
- Register with Savoo (it only takes 10 seconds!)
- Choose Kiya Survivors as the charity you’d like Savoo to donate to
- Use Savoo Search (powered by Bing) as your new search engine
- Encourage your friends and family to do the same!
Savoo is a ‘lifestyle giving’ voucher, discount and deal website that donates to charities when you redeem their vouchers or use them as a search engine.